Awakened Man
Providing a safe environment to encourage your healing, learning, and transformation.

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nurturing, soothing, creative, spirited & knowing

of  Oakland Park

Transformative Performance

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"‎Only Awareness exists. The rest is light and airy entertainment fluff."  (Michael of  Oakland Park)

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Copyright © 2008-13 by
DREAMWalker Group

Quotes by Michael of Oakland Park
aka Awakened Man aka Dreamwalker


"If I worried about half the things my well-meaning friends on Facebook warn me about, I'd be terrified to get out of bed in the morning.

What about `I live in a wonderful, healthy, happy, and prosperous universe' implies that terror should fill my days?  Non-duality means `not two' ... what's to fear if I only embrace the love?"
-- January 22, 2014


"Folks forget that 88% of this reality is improved by good hair stylists, wonderful dentists, plastic surgeons, and expert photographers.  The other 12% is DNA -- which is fairly rigid; and attitude -- which is completely pliable.

Fortunately for me, my attitude is good 88% of the time!!  The other 12% of the time I stay in bed or behind closed doors.  That's why you'll rarely see photos of me early in the morning, with morning hair or scruffy wake-up breath."
-- January 22, 2014


"Often critics are nothing more than bloated egos that have become so powerful (in their own minds) that they have been able to manipulate other (smaller) egos to pay them for their opinions.  Embrace your own intuitions and opinions.  You know your 1self' far better than any paid consultant does.

Be your own gentle critic; trush your 1self' and grow."
-- January 18, 2014


"The real challenge is over-sleeping ... and still knowing that your day can be perfect and balanced even if you don't have time to do the hour of yoga; can't fit in the requisite twenty minutes of meditation; are forced to break your nightly fast by quickly scarfing down a trans-fattened pop tart; and have to rush your morning shower -- all with the knowledge that your day is off to a shaky start.

The real challenge is knowing that you don't need all the bells and whistles to connect to your Higher Self and that earthly actions only marginally affect the slings and arrows of fortune.  Remembering that you can't disconnect from your Higher Self is the key.

And a good attitude -- plain and simple.  The rest just make for a more comfortable but not necessarily better ride.

Remember, even when you're grumpy or feeling off-balance, it's your option to present imbalance and grumpiness to the world -- or present a face of joy and serenity.

Bad hair and its ilk do not a ruined day make -- unless you choose to imbue it with that power."
-- January 15, 2014


"Ananda Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Astanga Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Integral Yoga, ISHTA, Iyengar Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, Kali Ray TriYoga, Kripalu, Kundalini, Power Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Sampoorna Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Svaroopa Yoga, Vinyoga, Vinyasa, White Lotus Yoga, Yin Yoga ...

OMmmmmmmmmmG, do I have a headache or WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?"
-- January 12, 2014


"Well, just remember, pork is the other white vegetable."
-- January 8, 2014, in response to his chiropractor who was telling him he is a vegetarian


"One=Not Two

Therefore, what are you (one) searching for (two or more)?

Answers to all your questions are beneath the form."
December 12, 2013


"Time's a wasting, people. Don't wait to follow your bliss tomorrow. Start building your bliss upon bliss upon bliss today. You owe it to yourself to be happy and your happiness will totally compound and spread like wildfire to all those around you."
-- Michael Walker, November 20, 2013


"Tricking is my nature; it's the skill of treating I have to work on."
-- October 31, 2013


"Natural dream states, day dreaming, mood-altered states; these all wreak havoc with the standard state of being that we think of as reality.'

It's important to take a certain amount of time each day to reassemble our reality, to regroup, to catch a breath and assimilate and understand these various experiences of being.

We call this `integration' and it is vitally important to our being able to live gracefully as we straddle the physical  world and the world of spirit.

Integration of our multitude of states is the most important thing we can do every day -- and the thing that most people forget to do, avoid doing, or feel is unnecessary.

Your ego loves a dissembled, fragmented self; take time every day to put your ego in its tiny place.

You'll live to not regret it."
-- September 25, 2013


Today I will witness the illusions of `here and now' and `time and space' and let them bob in the wake of my knowing."
- September 14, 2013


"The universe is continually supplying the same answer to all your questions.  Are you `be'ing still enough to hear it?  Shush up.  Shush up now, listen, and be the answer."
-- September 18, 2013


"Choose this moment to have a good moment; and so it is.  Choose this day to have a good day; and so it will turn out.  Know that all is well, has been well, and will always be well."
-- September 16, 2013


"This settles it!  Boar's Head Liverwurst is available at Publix 'cross street from Wilton Station (Ft. Lauderdale).  I 'm seriously considering moving!"
-- September 17, 2011

(Note: I moved to Ft. Lauderdale on April 19, 2012.)


"Integration is the gift we are given for being brave enough to move in tandem with Spirit. It affords sense to this world while we prepare for the final immersion in the spiritual world. Without integration, we are like someone hailing the importance of fire while waving a flashlight. It provides light, but the meal goes uncoiled."
November 20, 2010


"Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is sitting still and letting the world unwind and do its thing." -- November 19, 2010


"If my intention is to live my life with integrity and to love my neighbors and enemies, all good follows from this idea and everything around me becomes blessed. Blessed because we are all one with the Light and the Light is one with us. Only fear, a tenacious illusion, suggests this is not true. But fear can be dissolved with love."
-- November 18, 2010


"How much easier life seems when the sun is shining and I've had a good night's sleep. The world is ordered and balanced ... the same as it is on cranky, rainy, cold days ... only on "good" days like this it just seems to make more sense. Shows a lack of faith on my part, I suppose, but a mindful acceptance and awareness of that lack of faith makes all the difference in the world. God/dess and I can smile about it together." -- November 17, 2010


"Not every day feels perfect and complete. Some days feel different than that. It's as if sometime during the night I slipped into someone else's body or life. I awake with a sense of foreignness, unfamiliarity. Sort of like when I was first born into this body way back when.

Sage and my altar become ceremonial anchors on days like this; my yoga and meditation is a patient waiting for my remembrances to return.

All is well, I think to myself, even if at this moment I feel otherwise.

Outside I hear the rain pelting gently on the window and recall it is the voice of the universe.

Today I will be mindful of the curious perceptions and wait for them to pass." -- November 16, 2010


"Creativity and 'letting go and letting God/dess' are the same stream made up of different letter groupings." -- November 15, 2010


"This morning when I woke up, it was if my ego had attended night school while I dreamt. All the world looked off-kilter and slightly darker than it usually seems. The good aspects of my life felt tarnished and the undesirable things (stuff I think I need to work on) seemed daunting and life-threatening. I will never finish organizing my home, the money will run out sooner than later, any day now people will discover the "real me," and death's toothless grin will not lead to oneness but to separation. These are the way things seemed to me this morning.

Then I made coffee, read from A Course in Miracles, did yoga, and focused on what is real. All that I truly need is within my immediate grasp -- oxygen, a roof over my head, good food, and the best gaggle of friends in the word. The rat running around in my brain, brought to me by Ego Night School, is a puny little thing whose beady black eyes are filled with fear. He is but a shadow of my brilliant Self, the gnawing doubts that linger from days before I remembered who I a am -- a child of light.

Now looking out the window of my home in Washington, DC, the sterling light of day, the fantastic neighborhood, the promises of what today will bring swaying gently with each breath of breeze -- I look inward at the rat skulking in the corridors of myself and say out loud, `I'm on to you, you know. I am totally on to you.'"
 -- November 14, 2010


"Sometimes all you can do for someone to show that you love them and care for them and want the very best for them is to keep your opinions to yourself. Your advanced guru like spiritual powers of knowing mean nothing if their ego shields are switched on. In this case, it is better to let Spirit do all the important work and for you to just be a fellow human." -- November 13, 2010


"Stepping back into the present moment after spending a week in parallel ones that were all about winning and cajoling and negotiating helped me see one primal Truth. Nothing tastes better than alone time with myself and God/dess. And that was very difficult for me to achieve in the workaday world defined for me by others. I am so grateful to be home again."
-- November 12, 2010


"When I find myself painted into a corner by my ego because of some earthly desire I think I want or need, I try to realize that the thing I want may not be meant to be ... for me. That there is a better scenario awaiting my participation. And that the thing or event I think I want or need is someone else's lesson or karma. Then I bless the other person and wish them well with that lesson." -- November 11, 2010

"Being at one with the world around me, it can hold the answer to all my questions, concerns, problems, and dilemmas. By listening to the silence -- or watching it -- in meditation or while experiencing a crow sweeping across the sky or a comet racing into oblivion, we can find answers to the deepest matters. All the fluff and distractions fall away and the answers reveal themselves -- maybe in the flowing water of a stream, or a crackling campfire, or simply in that flash knowing while waiting for a traffic light to change. Look and listen. The answers are written on the wind or reveal themselves as a flower opens in the morning. Learn to seek and receive these clues from the world around you. The places and signs will eventually become familiar and you will always know exactly where to go for help." -- November 10, 2010


"My 'self-improvement' became so much more focused and speedy when I put down all the books and tapes and movies offering improvement. Instead, I started communing with my Higher Self every moment I could. Meditation, yoga, hot baths, and quiet times -- these became the new study period for me. At that point Spirit began handing me bushels of understanding in exchange for a commitment to disengage my ego. True miracles then happened and I found myself improving in ways I could never have imagined possible." -- November 9, 2010

"Taking time each morning -- and periodically throughout the day -- to remember that I am an expression of a loving, supportive, Truth-imbued universe centers me in so many ways. I want for nothing, really, and this constant realization enables me to relax and be a loving, supportive, Truth-imbued presence for others. Truth is truth and nothing can stand it its way."


-- November 8, 2010

"I used to try to set an intention for my new day. But today I realized that's unnecessary because I am God/dess's intention. If I wasn't today's intention of the Universe, I wouldn't be here. Pure and simple. I just have to ride that energy, knowing that all is exactly as the universe intended. Ripples, dips, bumps, and hills are part of the ride, value-added extras for no additional charge." -- November 7, 2010


"When I meditate, my mind becomes still, my breath slows down, and my heart rate lessens. And since my heart’s electro-magnetic field is about five thousand times more powerful than the one created by my brain, this meditation and practicing of mindfulness affects the energy field around me and literally affects the world. How cool is that?" -- November 6, 2010

"The longer I meditate, the more I am able to see and navigate through what I used to call 'bad days.' Now, however, I see all days connected as one (call it my individual lifetime), with various shades of energy, some feeling good and some feeling bad. I maneuver through them, though, mindful that they are just swirling bits of now moving toward tomorrow and yesterday."
-- November 5, 2010


"Real love starts when we learn how to appreciate our own qualities and then acknowledge that those qualities -- and others -- exist in everyone we meet. Fear insists that life is really about lack, limitation, and separation -- but this is just an illusion. Learn to appreciate yourself and others and astounding things are sure to happen in your life ... and you will find true love right where you are standing."
-- November 4, 2010


"Probably one of the most challenging spiritual lessons is when the other guy, women, team, person, or candidate wins. Suddenly the concept of "we are all one" takes on a more bitter taste. But divine Oneness includes everyone and everything. Becoming mindful of the ego conflicts this situation creates in us is the key. Observe, witness, and let go. And know that everything actually does happen for a greater purpose that includes all of us and not just a political party and its people." -- November 3, 2010


"Please vote with you heart and mind today." -- November 2, 2010


"Every 'bad' event, negative feeling, discombobulated moment, scary passage, or dark night of the soul I experience is an opportunity to turn things around by surrounding them with Light or to hand them over to the God/dess for healing. I choose to learn or to not learn; to be happy or sad; to love the lesson or to fear the next one. Today I choose love."  -- November 1, 2010

"And today, post rally, I rested." -- October 30, 2010


"I'm grateful to be heading down to the National Mall to attend the Rally to Restore Sanity. Proud to be a fun-loving American today who can laugh at himself, I'm relieved to know that at least half of my fellow citizens have senses of humor. Thank you Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert -- you guys rock!" -- October 30, 2010


"If ranting words equal ego run wild, does that mean I'm writing the Great American Ego"?
-- October 29, 2010


"A long time ago, during a Creative Mindflow session (, I had the realization that one could theoretically change their DNA ... and perhaps reverse the aging process, too. I made the decision to do that and I think it's finally paying off. Now would somebody tell my crow's feet that!? Laughing out loud!" -- October 28, 2010


"You don't have to give up EVERYTHING; just start with the things that seem to be killing you. They're all illusions, but the illusions that promise to take you to an early grave merit fast and furious attention. They'll succeed because you believe they will -- so let them go today. The rest are secondarily make-believe and warrant mindful study without the same sense of urgency." -- October 27, 2010


"Sometimes even during serious, heartfelt, God-inspired, quantum cosmic transcendental, holy, Zen-ish meditation, cornball stuff arises. Today it was: 'We are all won.' Not original, flakey as bat pooh, and marginally comical -- I felt compelled to share. We are all won. There, I said it and somewhere (I'm pretty gosh-darn sure) God/dess is smiling." -- October 26, 2010


"It's taken me most of my lifetime thus far lived to learn that the most annoying, irritating, shallow, inept, unsavory, disrespectful, overbearing, and ugly people are my greatest teachers; this so because they are pointing out to me my own fears (or truths) of being annoying, irritating, shallow, inept, unsavory disrespectful, overbearing, and ugly. And they don't charge me a dime. How fortunate I am to have such good teachers. I am very grateful!"
-- October 25, 2010


"The spectacular weather outside, my dear friends who comprise my family, cosmic creativity, this lovely and thriving city with its varied architecture, and unlimited bologna and liverwurst sandwiches with Gulden's mustard -- let me ask you quite simply: How can it possibly get any better than this?" -- October 24, 2010


"When I'm writing and am 'in the flow', I'm swimming effortlessly with angels. The illusions of time and space melt into a sharply focused beam of brilliance and words spill forth like diamonds. When I'm feeling stuck, it's because I'm trying too hard or swimming against my own natural current. (And, frankly, this is true about pretty much everything I do in life!)"
-- October 23, 2010


"Writing is a direct link from me to the heart of the creative universe -- which is probably why it's been so daunting for me these past few years. Learning to let go of the stories weighing me down while at the same time continuing to be a writer and permitting myself to tell stories ... it's been a conundrum that I'm slowly getting a handle on." -- October 22, 2010


"Your life is miraculous." -- October 21, 2010


"My life is miraculous." -- October 20, 2010

"Just proclaim yourself an elder to the world; act with integrity; espouse harmony and be harmonious; laugh a lot; love what you see when you look in the mirror; give up fear -- especially the fear of failing and of dying; rebuke illness; embrace change; turn away from hate and know that only love exists; stop being angry; turn away from illusions -- which is most everything you ever learned from the day you were born until this moment; and know in the deepest part of your heart that ALL IS WELL.
-- on being a gay elder, October 19, 2010


"The newest member of my houseplant family is a Venus Fly Trap. I got it because I was tired of being the only non-vegetarian in my home. It gives me some deep, quirky spiritual satisfaction knowing that there is at least one vegetable being that eats meat -- and that somehow balances things out and makes the cockles of my heart feel all giggly and warm."
-- October 18, 2010


"Today, while pruning down one of my favorite houseplants, I felt that familiar sadness that comes with the realization that sometimes we have to let go of the seeming good to encourage new growth and provide increased energy. This is what makes it so difficult to let go of clutter in my own home and life; even when I know that to do so will improve my day-to-day existence."
-- October 17, 2010


"We have two choices: love or fear. Love allows us to open up and experience joy; fear causes us to shut down and contract. Love brings us community; fear leaves us feeling alone. But there is a trick here -- a trick of the ego. For only love is real; fear is false and though it seems to be powerful and strong, it is really as thin as tissue paper. In actuality -- there is only One. God/dess, you, and I. Embrace your divinity and choose love." -- October 16, 2010


"Love is the all-inclusive answer." -- October 15, 2010


"I have to say, the more I get to know my ego, the move I am enamored with it. It's cute, cuddly, cunning, baffling, sparkly-eyed, melodious, has sweet breath, and can tango like the best of them. My ego seems primo. The only problem is that everything my ego tries to sell me is a pack of lies. Falsehoods. Houses of cards. Deceit is its middle name; fear it's greatest weapon. Only love can conquer the ego. Embrace it, love it, and speak soothingly to it. Let it think you believe its lies; then walk away knowing the Truth. Your ego, as adorable as it may seem, is not your friend."
-- October 14, 2010


"[Everyone who cares about our children should post this on their walls.]

I am gay and I, too, was bullied by people in elementary school and junior high school. The self-loathing I felt was too intense for words and it was only my anger and hate of those people that brought me through to where I was able to learn to love myself.

And some very loving friends in high school, straight mostly, who taught me about self-worth and about loving myself for who I am. And that is what I try to teach people today. It's all good and things do get better.

If you're a young gay person reading this and you're hurting, find someone, anyone -- a teacher, a therapist, a friend, a family member, a spiritual mentor, a Facebook buddy, or your friends at The Trevor Project ( -- to share your pain, your hurt, and your story.

Do NOT do anything hurtful to yourself. Please …. for me and for all of us who care …. DO NOT do anything hurtful to yourself

You are a creative, brilliant person waiting to burst out and become an amazing being. And one day, same as me and many others like me, you will be able to help people just like yourself. Do not, do not, do not cave in. You be the winner; let them be the losers. We need you.

Thank you for being you!"
-- October 14, 2010


"Some days the most I can say is something like, 'I'm taking care of myself today.' Then I go out into the spectacular day and enjoy life. Eat out with a friend, go to a movie -- specifically Catfish, walk home and breathe in the incredibly wonderful air. Some days that's enough; more than enough, really." -- October 13, 2010


"My body is a tool of the ego. It aches, pains, hurts, itches, sneezes, pumps up, becomes decrepit, and does any number of things to draw attention away from my natural immortal state. Like everything else, 'tis best to merely observe the foxy ego and not become engaged by its stories or its tricks. Your mind is real and sacred. Savor and honor that fact." -- October 12, 2010


"Being gay is an intrinsic part of my spirituality. The beauty of many of my friends, straight and gay, is that we consider ourselves "two-spirits" or "two-spirited"; which means we accept that we have both masculine and feminine energies that make us complete humans. Hail to the new two-spirited genders and HAPPY COMING OUT DAY!!" -- October 11, 2010


"As I look around the room (my life), I note that every book, file folder, glass of wine, photograph, food morsel, and dust speck has a story connected to it. These stories seem to give everything substance and value, but often they just weigh me down. In truth, the stories are mere obstacles to my seeing these objects as the illusions they really are.  Without the stories, the objects disappear and my life becomes a serene, holy experience again." -- October 10, 2010


"Some days I just have to step back and watch the murky, dark, spooky stuff float by -- being mindful that it is there but not engaging it or empowering it by attaching drama or 'stories' to it. Then when that gets tedious, I hand it over to the universe and say 'take this, please, and let me move on with my innate gratitude and joy.'"
-- October 9, 2010


"Just for today, manifest love." -- October 8, 2010


"Being true to myself is probably one of the most difficult challenges I encounter every day. Partly because I'm still in the process of shedding all the bullshit beliefs and expectations foisted on me by my parents, teachers, ministers, bankers, and dietitians (to name a few). Who am I? Mostly none of the stuff they led me to believe I was. Amen to that."  -- October 7, 2010

--- Opps, skipped a day. ---


"Say a problem or issue or energetic snag arises involving somebody else. Well, if forgiveness is the key and if, in fact, we're all one, then who is there to forgive? The answer, of course, is ourselves. For harboring ill-feelings against a brother or sister harms one and harms all. Forgive and move on with your joy of living. Alternately, forgive the other and thereby forgive yourself. Then move on with your joy of living and envision the other doing the same. It's nice to know we have choices ... and that when done so with integrity, honesty, and well-meaning, everybody wins." -- October 5, 2010

--- Opps, skipped a day. ---


Can someone please explain to me how you can go away on a relaxing retreat in the Shenandoah Mountains and return feeling like you need a vacation? Oh well; at least all is well!"
-- October 3, 2010


(Heading to the Shenandoah Mountains
and may be off-line until October 3, 2010.)


"This morning I thought that I had somehow veered into an old dimension (call it an old way of thinking or being) but that it was okay; since I was merely stepping through dimensions, taking a sip here and a sip there, testing the old versus new, seeing what tastes good and what is bitter, what works and what doesn't. I seem to be continually stepping from one dimension to another -- and another and another. And rather than think too much about it -- I've learned to just observe my journey without judgment and without attachment. A slow process of learning, indeed." -- October 1, 2010


"Once I figured out how to permit the universe to flow unobstructedly, without my fighting it and splish splashing around against its flow, things got markedly better. Then when I advanced to the point where I understood that, in fact, it was the universe permitting me to splish splash and fight it if I so desired, things got even better. The day I realized that me and the universe were one, I became enlightened."
-- September 30, 2010


"I used to be grateful for the things that I had and that my friends and enemies didn't  have. It made me feel more enriched knowing that their lack was my gain. It seemed to be the way the world worked -- somebody had to lose something in order for others to have something. Now I know that everybody is entitled to a rich, full, complete, happy, and healthy existence; and that sharing what I have and what I know about life is instrumental to the smooth operation of this universe I have all created. Showing others how to do the same thing in the universe they have created is tricky business; but it's really, really fun!" -- September 29, 2010


"Beneath form, there's a need to forgive. If you see, feel, hear, taste, or smell something odious, chances are you need to forgive it and let it go. Otherwise it would not be in your life. In your life, it is your teacher; out of your life -- your freedom. Meditate and learn to let go of that which is form; beneath the form you will find amazing peace." -- September 28, 2010


"‎Listening to the sound of falling rain really does remind me of the voice of God/dess. So clear, so melodious, so powerful, so gentle. That is how s/he spoke to me; how s/he speaks to me today. I am so grateful for the Light and understanding."
September 27, 2010


"Some days you just have to take a break from it all and tell everyone that your quote for the day is 'cool beans.'" -- 26 September 2010


"I'm only as old as I feel. Except when I first wake up in the morning. Then - even as I'm thanking the stars for another day - my body suggests to me that I'm every day my age. Then my ego jumps up and down in glee and harps on about aches and pains -- suggesting that's proof that I'm a human codger. Suddenly sense prevails: I remember I am an immortal being and that the ego and body are illusions. My real day begins anew!" -- 25 September 2010


It's all one. The ups, the downs, the permutations of reality, the realms, the dimensions, the confabulations, the hope, the love, and even the fears. Ego insists that separation is the only sensible thing to believe -- that pain and suffering are the norm. But we can learn to know better, and once we do, there's no turning back. And by then we are surrounded by angels and by friends." -- 24 September 2010


"Forgiveness is the cure for my belief in separation; separation from God/dess, from others, and from my core Self.  It is an acknowledgment that the bonehead over there, the thorn in my side or so-called enemy, is so close to being me with all my own foibles, inadequacies, indecencies, and intricacies, that we might as well be the same person.  And forgiving that person, allowing her or him to be childlike enough to make mistakes and still be lovable, allows my sense of separation to slowly dissipate and vanish like mist."
-- 23 September 2010


"Manifestation is not so much rocket-science as it is wrapping your mind around and squeezing all the doubts out of your stubborn, overly cautious little ego. And make no mistake about it; your ego IS little ... only it's all puffed up to make itself feel way bigger than it really is. Move past and beyond your ego and create the life that you want!" -- 22 September 2010


"I used to hate it when other people followed me around or imitated the things I did/do. 'Get a life,' I'd think to myself. Now I see that they have a life, that it's their own, and that they find mine working good enough that they want to try it on for size. So today when I see someone copying me, I say to myself, 'You go on! I must be on to something!. And I bless them for blessing me." -- 21 September 2010


"`Playing' for me has been learning how to effortlessly let go of just about everything I've ever been taught about life; knowing in my heart that, as well-meaning as it all was, it was holding me back - trapped in an illusion of powerlessness. Now that I have begun to learn the game of letting that all go, I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life."
-- 20 September 2010


"The Light I feel within, without, and moving through me ... this Light is my direct connection to the world from whence I came, the place I am slowly learning to remember. Each moment I do remember this place it is as if I go back home just for that moment. And then, with a start, know that home is where my heart is ... and that I am already there. My searching really is done."
-- 19 September 2010


"Okay, so today I'm asking YOU ... is your life half full or half empty? And what do you need, if anything, to do about that?"
-- 18 September 2010


"Every second of every minute of every hour, I am choosing between love and fear. It is that simple. Am I coming from a place of love or a place of fear? If my body hurts or my life sucks or I am feeling guilty or worried, then I am in fear. If I am light and smiling and know that all is and will always be well, then I am coming from a place of love. And ultimately, there is no choice because all there really is ... is love. Fear in all its guises (pain, suffering, loss, and death) is an illusion. There actually is only one Force in the world, and that Force is love. When we experience or choose anything outside of love, we have allowed our egos to throw that in our paths to distract us. And why do we do that? Well, that's the million dollar question, isn't it?"
-- 17 September 2010


"For so long I denied my own worth because I felt it was arrogant to think highly of myself. Now I see that true arrogance is denying our best qualities ...for these are the very qualities we share with God/dess/Force. To deny my own holiness is to deny the God/dess/Force in me. And THAT'S arrogant for sure."  -- 16 September 2010


"Remember. Everything we talked about, I told you tomorrow."  
-- 15 September 2010


"Only one thing is reasonably certain about my October this year; I'll be l happy, alive, and communing with God/dess and friends in ceremony. Whether in DC, on a cruise ship heading toward Mexico with my pal Samuel Vera, or elsewhere -- the details are unimportant ... for all will always be well and precisely as it should be." -- 14 September 2010


"Giving is the exact same as receiving and, therefore, is its own reward. I gladly give because I know that I benefit in equal measure to the person to whom I offer the gift. And since I and the person are one, I do not really 'lose' anything in the transaction. Any appearances of losing in these exchanges are a trick of my ego and should be discarded like yesterday's trash."
-- 13 September 2010


"Gratitude starts each morning with my first breath, the realization that the aroma of coffee fills there air, and that my life has become so effortlessly nice that mere words can but hint at it's wonder."
-- 12 September 2010


"I'm one of those individuals who believes that there is really only one Force in the universe; the one many call "God". Anything outside of this Force is illusion, created by the ego, and causes us to feel separate from God and therefore from ourselves. Focusing on that oneness, which I believe is LOVE -- and denying it, which results in FEAR is an ego-induced challenge. This challenge leads us to believe in duality; a total illusion and, ultimately, a waste of our life!"  
-- 11 September 2010


"What do I want in life? Some days I'd like enough money so I wouldn't have to focus on illusionary things like monthly mortgage payments; and with the surplus I'd treat my friends out to meals and vacations. Other than that, my life comes pretty darn close to being perfect. Heck, with Spirit's help, I'd even be willing to take my enemies (teachers) out to meals and on vacations!"
- 10 September 2010


"In the morning, when Consciousness enters my realm, followed by that awareness I am breathing (in other words, ALIVE), then I become grateful. Even if sucky things are on my agenda (rare, as I am self-employed), the joy of living always -- always -- supersedes the ego-manufactured illusion of suckiness. When things seem bad, I just have to remember that 'all is well.'"
- - 9 September 2010


"Art is living your life in a genuine manner, being true to yourself, and doing the things that matter most to you. It is serving others in the best way you can -- by being honest and true. Sometimes an artful life includes creative endeavors like writing, painting, lawyering, dog-walking, doing laundry, nurturing a spiritual life, and etc. -- but not always and not necessarily. Art is living to the hilt with integrity."
-- 8 September 2010


"Today, my birthday gift to myself is to cherish my brilliant and creative life -- and to honor all the teachers, the friends and those perceived as not-so-friendly, who helped me each minute of each day to inch one step closer to an understanding of myself, the sacred, co-creator I was born to be. Thank you and blessings to you all. And thank you, especially, God/dess!"
-- 7 September 2010


"People often ask me what position I commonly sleep in? I'll answer it, just don't expect me to post photos. When I sleep alone, I generally sleep on my side, alternating between left and right. Rarely on my stomach. When I'm away, I usually have PJs in case it gets cold; at home it depends upon my mood or the season. Mostly I wear underwear or go commando. I think my Higher Power prefers commando."
-- 6 September 2010‎


"I've pretty much stopped regretting my past through spiritual practices; not that I know WHAT all the stuff I corrected -- and let go of -- was. Mostly, through time and practice, I just came to a place where I was able to let go of unmercifully beating myself up for having been a mere human who made mistakes and some pretty silly choices. ‎(OK, some of them were nearly suicidal!). It's all about being mindful and letting the stuff (big and small) just pass through me now."  -- 5 September 2010


"What do I like about humanity? For me it's the intrinsic love that keeps it going and the full lifetimes people sometimes need to take to remember that love and to reclaim it."
-- 4 September 2010


"Morality is too much to think about. I simply try to live by my own inner code which includes age-old truths like "Love thy neighbor," "To thine own self be true," "Do no harm," and "Follow your bliss." When I succeed at doing these things, the world seems to follow suit. It's uncanny."
-- 3 September 2010


"Learning to see through the illusion and to accept that all of reality and its components and symbols are merely built on a delicate framework that are the energetic idea of God/dess/Oneness ... and to pass that knowledge on to others. This has been the greatest of challenges and the one my ego loves to play with most, like a kitten with a ball of wool."
-- 2 September 2010


"I am ruled by my heart; but sometimes feel as if I am being nibbled to death by the ducks of fear. But I'm getting better. I've learned how to toss those ducks some crumbs once in a while just to get them to back off. Those crumbs are dry and stale, though, and I often have to forage through the trash just to find one or two of them to give away." -- 1 September 2010


"Some days just seem to plod along ... or maybe my energy is skewed or whacked because of whatever reason. Those days I just try to remember to accept that an off-day (or 3 or 4) is not the end of the world. Tomorrow and the day after really are new days; all things, good and bad, eventually pass. If remembering that doesn't help, there's always staying in bed, watching TV, and eating ice cream!"
-- 31 August 2010


"If your job is to tend the fire, then it serves no one for you to be worrying about the latest oil spill or price of tea in China. Leave that up to the worry warts whose job it seems to be to fret and worry. Your commitment is to the fire and the community it serves."
-- 30 August 2010


"The easiest thing for me to do when I wake up is to feel gratitude. After all, I made it through another evening of night school and my body, seemingly without effort, managed to keep my parts functioning and my heart beating another eight hours. Such gifts freely given ... and strongly deserved -- just because I'm me."
-- 29 August 2010


"I'm leaning toward Emerson these days; more and more people are using other people's quotes to start our days. So for the next thirty days, I'm going to quote myself every morning. Hmmmmmmm." -- 28 August 2010

"Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it. I hate quotations. Tell me what you know." -- Emerson


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